Top Tips To Help You Organize Your Warehouse Racking

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Top Tips To Help You Organize Your Warehouse Racking

If used effectively, racking systems can more than double your current storage capacity. More space, more organization, a safer workplace, and increased productivity may all be achieved with smart planning and the correct warehouse shelving racks. Starting afresh to create a better ordered structure within your storage area may be necessary. There are, however, a number of less invasive steps you can take to make your warehouse more effective and productive. Here are some top tips to help you organize your warehouse racking.

Use Vertical Storage Space

Using vertical storage space is one of the quickest ways to expand your warehouse’s storage capacity. You can store around one pallet’s worth of inventory for every six feet of vertical space you add to your racking systems. Consider how many pallets you could add to your present inventory if each of your shelving racks had an extra six feet of vertical space. Each of those pallets might be added to your present layout without requiring any other adjustments.

Map Out Your Warehouse Layout

If you want to increase the amount of space or efficiency in your warehouse, you must first assess how you are currently using it. Consider using gridded paper to plan out your current setup. One square foot is represented by each grid. Then look for areas of weakness and inefficiency in your layout. You’ll be able to see where you can improve your procedures and storage systems to meet your productivity goals if you can view your existing setup. Then, using the same type of gridded paper, sketch out your plans to ensure that your new design will handle your current storage issues while also making optimal use of your space.

Divide Your Inventory Into Categories Based On Storage Needs

Not all inventory is created equal. A common practice is to divide your inventory into three categories: A, B, and C. A-category inventory moves swiftly and regularly. Category B merchandise is less profitable, yet it nevertheless flows through your warehouse on a regular basis. Finally, because category C inventory does not move rapidly, you will incur higher costs. To maximize efficiency, classify your inventory into these groups and store it accordingly. Goods from category A should be kept in the most accessible locations, whereas inventory from C can be kept in less accessible areas. You can transfer your goods more effectively without needing more room if you organize it this way.

We hope you have enjoyed our short recap of the top tips to help you organize your warehouse racking! While doing so may be a difficult task in the short term, we guarantee that doing so will lead to better productivity in the warehouse.

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