Different Types of Water Softeners for Your Home

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Different Types of Water Softeners for Your Home

Hard water is a serious problem. While it’s safe to drink, it can wreak havoc on your appliances and negatively impact your skin. Be on the lookout for signs that you have hard water in your home; once you uncover this problem, you need to take the proper steps to remedy it. First, you have to pick a water softener that will suit your needs. Each kind has positive and negative aspects. Below, we’ll explore three different types of water softeners for your home to help you make the right choice.

Salt-Based Water Softeners: Ion Exchange

This is a conventional water softener that most people think of when they hear the term. An ion exchange softener supplies soft water to the entire home and offers efficient flow rates for the whole house. The resin inside attracts the calcium and magnesium traditionally found in hard water, replacing it with sodium ions and softening it in ion exchange when the resin runs out of positively charged salt ions to exchange for hard minerals. Simply add salt to replenish the system; the process is simple and efficient.

That said, this type of system does require weekly maintenance, and you will need to buy bags of salt. However, salt isn’t expensive, and once you dump some in the basin, you’ll be all set.

Salt-Free Water Softeners

But what do you do if you don’t want to use salt bags? In this case, a salt-free option might be perfect for your needs. Salt-free systems don’t require much maintenance, as they don’t need regeneration or salt to keep them going. Instead of ion exchange, they neutralize the hard water. This keeps the minerals in the water from sticking together and creating the build-up that leaves streaks on your dishes, makes your skin slimy, and ultimately wrecks your appliances. These systems are more expensive than ion-exchange options, but they cost less in the long run because of low maintenance needs.

Portable Water Softeners

This is an amazing option for people on the go who do a lot of camping in places with calcium and magnesium deposits. People in RVs can benefit as well. These systems don’t need electricity, and the regeneration maintenance process is not nearly as involved as it is with most saltwater systems. Portable water softeners are a great option for homes of all types, especially those that are more mobile than others. You can even use table salt when it’s time for regeneration. This kind of water softener is perfect for the needs of a person who is constantly on the go.

In short, there are many different types of water softeners for your home, but the three listed above can’t be beaten. One is certainly not better than the other, as they are each useful in their own way and designed to meet various needs. Choose the right one for yourself by weighing the pros and cons of each; you’ll improve your water in no time.

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