Tips for Making Your Move Out Go Smoothly

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The very idea of moving might fill you with dread, whether or not you’ve done it in the past. All the packing, lifting, and planning can be a serious hassle. You may never consider moving a particularly “fun” task, but it doesn’t have to be a completely terrible one, either. There are things you can do to set yourself up for moving success. Here are a few tips for making your move out go smoothly so that you can get it over with as quickly as possible.

Reduce the Amount of Stuff You Take

One of the best ways to make your move smoother is to simply move less stuff. The less there is to move, the less stress moving will be. Consider paring down your possessions when you’re moving somewhere new. You’ll be glad you did once it comes time to unpack everything. If you really want a fresh start, consider renting a dumpster to help with everything you want to get rid of.

Set a Solid Timeline

Proper planning is the key to a hassle-free move, so start by making a timeline of everything that will happen leading up to the moving day. This schedule will keep you on track and prevent you from procrastinating on important tasks. Knowing when you’ll pack, when you’ll call to set up utilities, and other important dates can take many of the unknowns out of moving, making the process easier on you and anyone helping you.

Pack as Early as Possible

The last thing you want to do is leave packing until the end. Good packing—the kind that won’t lead to broken possessions and missing items—takes some time and thought. The more time you give yourself, the more level-headed you’ll be as you pack, allowing you to strategize your boxes and bags more efficiently. Trying to pack everything you own a few days before the move will only succeed in stressing you out.

Label, Label, Label

Consider the unpacking you’ll need to do, even as you pack everything up. A good way to make unpacking go faster is to label everything you can. Label where you keep your essentials like your clothes or cookware so that you don’t scramble to find them on move-in day. Labeling boxes with what room they go in will also help you and any movers you hire know where to put everything once you arrive at your new place.

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