Most Delicious Ways To Drink Tea

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Are you an avid tea drinker, or do you greatly dislike tea altogether? We have some ideas that just might make tea all the more tasty for both groups. Here are a few of the most delicious ways to drink tea. Who knows; you tea-haters out there might just change your mind after you try these!

Pour In Some Milk

Pouring some milk into your tea will most definitely kick it up a notch on the taste scale. All you’re doing is adding some milky, creamy goodness to the tea. Keep in mind that some specific teas taste better with milk than others do, so doing your research and knowing what teas to mix with it might be the best plan.

Squeeze a Lemon or Two

Squeezing a lemon or two into your tea not only makes it taste better but also brings added health benefits. One of these benefits is that lemon adds no calories at all when you mix it with the tea. Another is that including the lemon will add a dose of vitamin C as well as some other vitamins and minerals. Sounds like a win-win to us!

Add a Drizzle of Honey

You don’t need to add any processed sugars to your tea to make it tastier; instead, all you must do is add a drizzle or drop of honey into your tea. Honey does add a few more calories to the mix, but it brings some health benefits with it as well. Raw honey adds several vitamins and minerals to the tea. How great is that?

Don’t just assume you’ll always hate tea. Instead, try some of these most delicious ways to drink tea; they might just change your mind. These three options are tasty, and some are even healthy… how could you go wrong?

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