Reducing Your Exposure to Allergy Triggers

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When it’s warm outside and there are plenty of activities to keep you busy and active, all you want to do is enjoy them. However, allergies can make the spring and summer seasons unbearable. One way to lower your allergy symptoms is by reducing your exposure to allergy triggers. Learn some of the most effective ways to accomplish this.

Avoid prolonged time in areas with your allergens

On dry days with high winds, try to stay indoors if your allergies are seasonal. These days are when the pollen is strongest in the air and when you’ll have a higher chance of experiencing severe allergy symptoms. The best days to spend outdoors are right after a rain, which washes away the pollen and clears the air so that you can breathe better. Identifying your exact allergens can also help, allowing you to avoid areas with a lot of them. For example, if you’re allergic to pollen from flowers, you may want to skip the botanical gardens—but you may enjoy a day at the beach.

Allergy-proof your home

Chances are that if you have severe seasonal allergies, you won’t be venturing outdoors as much, depending on the season. This means spending extended time in your home—which can, unfortunately, still hold particles of your allergens. Equip your home to be allergen-free so that your body can get a real break. Learn how to protect your home from allergens, and take steps to reduce how much enters your home. You can wash your clothing after returning inside from outdoors, get your air conditioner serviced, and even deep-clean your space more frequently.

Wear protective clothing

Wearing a mask while you’re outdoors or in places with high pollen counts or on days with high winds can reduce your exposure to allergy triggers. This is the best way to reduce exposure without compromising on the activities and outdoor events in which you want to participate. There are plenty of stylish and reusable masks to match your outfits—just be sure to wash the mask after each wear.

Allergy season can be a difficult time for many allergy sufferers, but there are ways to feel better on even the highest pollen count days. Talk to your doctor if your allergies are difficult to manage or if they worsen.

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