How to Show Essential Workers Your Appreciation

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Working an essential job as a doctor, grocery store clerk, or power plant worker, among many others, is uniquely difficult as we all face this unprecedented pandemic. These workers risks their health, work long hours, and deserve some thanks for doing so. Here’s how to show essential workers your appreciation.

Treat Them Respectfully and Gracefully

The first thing you should do, which doesn’t require much, is to simply treat essential workers with respect. That means not thinking of yourself first when you interact with them. Also, anticipate some mistakes or delays. Essential workers work under difficult conditions and often with fewer staff around them to lighten their load. Rather than blowing up when something goes wrong, put yourself in their shoes, take a breath, and give them a break. Doing so not only helps them, but reduces your own stress.

Write Them a Thank-You Note

Sometimes, though the government deems them essential, workers feel unappreciated as they work. No one seems to understand the daily stress they carry in regard to getting sick or causing those they live with to get sick. To show them you see their work, write a personal letter. If you aren’t comfortable giving them a concrete letter, send an email to essential workers you know or find another way to thank those you don’t personally know. Your understanding words, delivered in an intimate way, will mean the world to someone struggling with their work situation.

Get Them a Gift

Otherwise, you can ship a gift to show essential workers your appreciation. Consider what kind of gift would be best. Gift cards to a restaurant they can order carryout meals from would be a welcome and delicious option. If you want to go the extra mile, personalized or vintage gifts take it to the next level. If you go that route, they’ll appreciate the effort you put forth to give them a special gift that honors them as they work a risky job.

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