A Guide to Changing Routines for Children With Autism

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A Guide to Changing Routines for Children With Autism

You’ve spent a while getting your child adjusted to a new routine. You downloaded apps, provided rewards, color-coded calendars, and things are going steady. Your child loves their routine, and you’re happy your hard work is paying off; everything’s good!

Until you have to change the routine. For all children, but especially for children with autism, changing a routine can be absolutely devastating. As a guardian or parent of a child with autism, you know the do’s and don’ts of interacting with autistic children and that they need a structured routine to help them succeed.

Life is unpredictable, and changes happen. Here’s a quick guide to changing routines for children with autism to help your child cope with a new one.

Talk About It

Give your child a quick heads up if you know there will be a change of plans. For example, if the school has early release days, you should let your child know ahead of time so they can prepare themselves. If they have a doctor’s appointment at the same time as their after-school activity, let them know! Having a conversation with your child about these changes can help adjust the routine with ease.

Provide a Visual Aid

Creating a visual schedule or showing your child pictures of the “new” plan before enacting it can help them with these changes. Pictures can show your child how things will shift while introducing a new activity! You can create a social story using visuals to help describe where you guys are going, what you will do while you’re there, and what you will do afterward.

Introduce Small Changes

Sometimes, life can throw curveballs, making it impossible to introduce changes in small pieces. However, you can introduce minor changes while working your way up to a new or more significant difference in the routine. Remember to go slow and, with time, add new activities and adventures.

Give Them Extra Time To Adjust

Change can be challenging for anyone. Give your child extra time if they need to cope and adjust to a new schedule. Always remind your child that they’ve handled challenges before, and everything was okay. Keep their comfort item on hand and consistently reinforce positive affirmations to reassure them.

Always remember to stay positive, flexible, and patient with your child. Use this quick guide to changing routines for children with autism to support your child as they deal with changes. Help your child adjust to new environments and activities so they can become more open to trying new things.

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